I was reading The Tourist by Olen Steinhauer a few months ago. The book is about an elite spy who is betrayed by his government. I guess after the success of the “Bourne” books, this is the plot du jour of the genre. Apparently, connoisseurs of the genre fancy him to be the next John le Carré. (He is the author of Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy.) Admittedly, I’m not a huge fan of the genre. And the plot of the book seems overdone. But it was a page-turner.
I may not be a huge fan of the genre, but I am a huge fan of food. So imagine my delight when I saw a reference to my go-to Thai place, Land Thai. (A character in the book grabs takeout from Land Thai.) My husband and I used to go Land Thai at least once every couple of weeks. But for some reason, we haven’t been to the restaurant in months. Believe me I don’t need a reason to eat there; but it was a good reminder.
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