
Welcome to my first blog post. I am starting this blog to make up for my lack of discipline. Let me explain.

I grew up with a Korean grandmother who cooked like a master chef with little regard to written recipes or measurements. Everything was in her head. And she never used a measuring cup or spoon. I share my grandmother’s disregard for record keeping and precision. But the problem is, I am no where near the cook that my grandmother was. She just didn’t have the need to write things down. In contrast, I just lack discipline.

Now that I am cooking more regularly and my culinary repertoire is expanding, I find a need for a bit of discipline to keep track of my recipes. And I also want to preserve the memories that I kept of my grandmother’s cooking. Even though I’m told that I have freakishly great memory, I figure I should start sooner than later before my taste buds and my memory fail me.

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